Our position is specified below.
These are the coordinates:
Latitude: 45.5212
Longitude: 12.6944
Some satellite maps call the street VIA Oriente, other maps call it VIALE Oriente.
To find us in Lido di Jesolo click on the map (printable PDF )
For those coming from Milano or Brennero: highway A4, after the freeway in Mestre, exit Airport Tessera/Jesolo.
For those coming from Tarvisio, Udine and Trieste: from highway A4, exit Noventa di Piave.
Line buses very often connect Jesolo to other places in Italy or in European countries.
Bus station: Picchi Stadium. Phone: +39 0421-383633
Bus time table information: www.atvo.it
Railway station in Mestre and in San Donà di Piave with frequent line-bus connections. TRENITALIA
Venezia, Marco Polo, www.veniceairport.it
Treviso, Antonio Canova, www.trevisoairport.it
Shuttle from Treviso airport and Venice to Lido di Jesolo
For further information regarding the period when this service will be in effect and the bus schedule, log onto www.atvo.it